Mediterranean of the future

"The global meeting place for adaptation to climate change"

For the past 5 years, Mediterranean of the future has been focusing on solutions to the challenges of climate change. More pronounced in the Mediterranean than anywhere else, these disturbances make our region an open-air laboratory for solutions. The two shores of the Mediterranean are united around the same objective: what solutions for a sustainable future? Thanks to Mediterranean of the future, we can see more clearly...


ACT VI - Every drop counts, water is life !

This event, in addition to the Mediterranean Meetings, aims to involve public and private actors recognized at Euro-Mediterranean and international level for their contribution to the reflection on the issue of water, on the definition and implementation of innovative and ambitious solutions in the Mediterranean. This new edition of "Mediterranean of the Future" fits in the framework of the initiative led by the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions of the European Union with the support of many Mediterranean regions calling for the establishment of a macro-regional strategy for the Mediterranean, which will aim to coordinate actions carried out at different scales in response to challenges including the preservation and management of water resources.

Exchanges provided for in this event will be an opportunity to federate the energies to confront common challenges as global warming, droughts and water shortages, problems of access to drinking water and sanitation; pollution; biodiversity loss, urban development, conflicts, humanitarian, and migration crises.



08:30am : Welcome of participants – Auditorium of the Cosquer Cave

9:30 - 10:15am : OFFICIAL OPENING
09:30-09:45am : Message of solidarity with Morocco and Libya

  • Renaud MUSELIER, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Deputy President of Regions de France
  • Carole DELGA, President of the Occitanie Region 
  • Younous OMARJEE, Member of the European Parliament, President of the Committee on Regional Development
  • Nabil Mohammed AHMED, Minister of Higher Education and Research of Djibouti  
  • Margaritis SCHINAS, Vice-President of the European Administrative Commission of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies


  • Meritxell SERRET, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Union, Generalitat of Catalonia 
  • François ALFONSI, Member of the European Parliament
  • Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS, President of the Assembly of Corsica, Member of the European Committee of the Regions and ARLEM
  • Khalil HARFOUCHEPresident of the Union of Municipalities of Jezzine
  • Leonardo MARRAS, Vice-President of the Tuscany Region
  • Filippo PIETROPAOLO, Regional Councillor representing the President of the Calabria Region
  • Enric MILLO, Secretary General for External Action of the Region of Andalusia and representative of the First Vice-President of the Inter-Mediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions

11:15 - 11:45am : Joint "Solidarité Maroc et Macrorégion méditeranéenne" press conference

11:15-11:30am : Keynote by Vice-Admiral Pascal AUSSEUR, Director General of the FMES Institute, Mediterranean Foundation for Strategic Studies



  • Mohamed ABDELVETAH,High Commissioner of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVHS) 
  • Frida KRIFCA, Former minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania and President of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) 
  • Fatimetou MINT ABDEL MALIK, President of the Nouakchott Region
  • Mohammed MAHMOUD, President of the Brakna Regional Council and signing of the cooperation agreement
  • Alain MEYSSONIER, President of the Mediterranean Water Institute
  • Franck GALLAND, Director of Environmental Emergency & Security Services, Associate researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research on security issues related to water resources
  • Raoudha GAFREJ, Research Engineer at the University of Tunis EL MANAR, international expert in the field integrated water resources management
  • Malek SEMARFounder of "No Water, No Us", member of the French G20 delegation


  • Nasser KAMEL, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean
  • Karim AMELLAL, Ambassador, Interministerial Delegate for the Mediterranean
  • Renaud MUSELIER, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Deputy President of Régions de France

Live from the World Marine Forum in Bizerte

  • Pascal LAMY, President of the World Marine Forum
  • Olivier POIVRE D’ARVOR, Ambassadeur Pôle and maritime issues

Solemn signing « Advocacy for a macro-regional strategy in the Mediterranean »


All the news

All previous editions

Back to Act V

The meeting place for adaptation to global warming
The 5th edition of Mediterranean of the future, held on December 5 and 6, has established itself as the global meeting place for adaptation to climate change. Organized by the Southern Region, it mobilized 40 delegations from around the Mediterranean to take coordinated action.


Mediterranean Worlds Forum

On February 7 and 8, 2022, the Forum brought together civil society players from the Mediterranean basin in Marseille to discuss positive, unifying themes.
The Forum showcased projects led by committed men and women. Through exchanges, to create networks, build bridges and launch new youth-oriented initiatives.


Mis à jour le 29 avril 2024