Le Soleil se lève au Sud !

The Sun rises in the South!

Here in the Southern Region is where it all begins. The possibilities are endless.

Synonymous with French national and international influence, and evoking a sense of quiet strength and dynamism, our Southern Region winks at others.

Because here, we have everything: sun, snow, sea, mountains, work and universities, cities and villages, industries and SMEs, hospitals and research centers, men and women: no element is missing.

Who could beg to differ? Here, everything works in a unique way. We are the Region bursting with life, with 365 different ways to start our day.

Renaud Muselier, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, Deputy President of Régions de France


With its six municipalities spanning the Alps to the Mediterranean, three large waterfront cities, and towns and villages, some of which are perched at an altitude of over 2,000 meters, the Southern Region is undeniably a land of contrasts.

A small country of five million inhabitants, the South is the region with three global brands making a name for themselves everywhere: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (the PACA region of France), an extraordinary region.

Flagship companies and major industrial sites known throughout the world and a training offer geared towards the professions of the future: our Region is a land of industrial excellence!

An inseparable element of our territory, the Mediterranean Sea is one of the main assets of our Southern Region. 30,000 years ago, we already inhabited these lands. Today, we can be proud to be a maritime power with all of its related facets.

A recognized military space with three air bases and ten Army regiments, the port of Toulon with its weaponry and soldiers are engaged across all four corners of the globe. The Southern Region is the cornerstone of French National Defense.

With 1,000 festivals held a year, exceptional heritage, art structures, and enthusiasts of cinema, dance, theater, and music, culture fuels emotions and diversity here.  

With the Rugby World Cup, the sailing and soccer events of the Olympic Games and the arrival of the Tour de France in Nice in 2024, sport has a major presence.

Access to healthcare throughout the territory: a right for all. We are strongly committed to health centers, state-of-the-art equipment and customized training.

Here, we eat healthily and well! Local products and traditional recipes contribute to the international recognition of French cuisine. 

Through its territorial diplomacy and its dialogue with the Mediterranean region, Armenia, Djibouti and Costa Rica, the Southern Region conveys a message of solidarity and environmental exemplarity.

Life is unsurprisingly sweet in the sunniest region of France! A paradise for hikers and mountain bikers as well as those who like to be lulled into a nap to the sound of cicadas!

I am a child of the South who toils to feed this planet with delicious products. For me, the South is everywhere, the sun rises here, which is what imparts the sense of happiness this region has in its culture.

Nadia SAMMUT - Starred chef

Music, theater, dance: every day, the veil is lifted on the artistic and cultural diversity of our Region. Free, spectacular, photogenic: like a sunrise...in the South!

Dominique BLUZET - Actor, Director, Producer and Theater Director

If the sun rises in the South, it is to give new hope to young girls who have dreams swirling in their heads. Because with hard work and self-sacrifice, everything becomes possible - even becoming a fighter pilot!

Anne-Laure MICHEL - Colonel, Istres-Le Tubé Air Base




World-renowned clubs and athletes, unparalleled infrastructure and, above all, a unique pitch of feverish excitement: this is why the sun rises in the South!

Fabien GILLOT - Former professional swimmer and Olympic champion

The South, a pilot region for green transition

In September 2022, the Southern Region was designated as a pilot territory in France to lead the green transition on a French national scale. Following the Prime Minister’s launch of the Green Fund to accelerate green transition in the territories in September 2022, this is a new step forming part of regional climate action. With a view to improve the daily life of the region's inhabitants, provide innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change, and trial new solutions in our lands, the French State and the Region are committed to eight operational priorities.

Eight operational priorities


  • Renewable energies
  • Water preservation
  • Decarbonization of industry
  • Land conservancy
  • Building renovation
  • Decarbonized mobility
  • Forest protection
  • Reduction of pollution from port activities

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Expertise, know-how, a shared history: between industry and the Southern Region, a century-old relationship is being forged every day. When the Sun rises in the South!

Aurélie HULARD - Managing Director of CNIM Systèmes

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Mis à jour le 29 avril 2024