
Grants and Funds in Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Have you got a project? The regional authority backs many film projects from screenwriting to production through development. We fund international coproduction at the stage of development for feature films, TV films and documentaries. The fund aims at promoting creation in all its diversity.

Grants for the production of feature films, animated films, documentaries and TV films

Who can benefit?

The project must involve an executive production with its head office in France or in the EU.

2 cases:

  • You are a EU executive production company and a significant part of your project is produced in the region Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur : you can apply if you have a stable office in France when the grant is voted.
  • You are a foreign executive production company and a significant part of your project is produced in the region SudProvence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: your French co-producer company can apply. The stipulations of the coproduction contract must precise the material and immaterial property rights of the film, proportionally to the participations in the financing of the film.

⚠For TV films: its first broadcast is intended for a television channel established in France or on SVOD services giving access to the CNC's Audio-visual Support Fund (FSA).

⚠ For feature films: you must have a French distributor

What is the grant’s amount?

  • Feature films, animated feature films: Minimum amount: 100 000 € / Maximum amount: 300 000 €
  • Feature length documentaries intended for movie theatres: Minimum and maximum amount: 50 000 €
  • TV documentaries (unitary program or series): Minimum amount: 15 000 € / Maximum amount: 30 000 €
  • TV films :
    Unitary program : Minimum amount: 75 000 € / Maximum amount : 100 000 €.
    Séries: Minimum amount: 75 000 € / Maximum amount: 200 000 €.
  • Animation TV (unitary program or series): Minimum amount: 75 000 € / Maximum amount: 200 000 €.
  • Web-creation : Minimum amount : 10 000 € / Maximum amount : 30 000 €.
  • Immersive and interactive works : Minimum amount : 10 000 € / Maximum amount : 50 000 €.
  • Video games : Minimum amount : 50 000 € / Maximum amount : 100 000 €.

When can I apply?

Dates for submitting applications: January 31st / April 15th / September 30th

For which expenditures?

The grant is to be used for scouting, rewriting, networking with distributors, broadcasters and partners especially if they are foreign.

⚠The expenditures in the region Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur must represent at least 160% of the grant.

Under what conditions?

A portion of the financing must already be acquired at the time of filing the application.
All documents must be translated in French

Contact us:

Feature films : Charlotte LE BOS-SCHNEEGANS, clebos@maregionsud.fr Phone: +33 4 88 73 67 85 / +33 6 83 39 28 13

Documentaries : Fanny GRAFFAULT, fgraffault@maregionsud.fr Phone: +33 4 91 57 54 77 / + 33 6 88 08 85 83

TV films : Yamina LAMARA ylamara@remove-this.maregionsud.fr Phone: +33 4 91 57 55 45 / + 33 7 63 62 78 08

Animated films, web-creation, immersive and interactive works, video games : Florian CABANE, fcabane@maregionsud.fr Phone: +33 4 88 73 67 82


Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024